私房 – In Their Room



Gay-sex isn’t equal to anal-sex,it may be oral-sex,may be finger-sex and anything sex,but gay-love may be equal to your love.

Someone like to be bottom,and enjoy getting fucked,Someone can’t bear it. Who cares? It’s all your own business,it’s all your own thing in your own room.

一如在《I Want Your Love》中的赤裸直白,Travis Matthew依舊無所忌諱地用鏡頭記錄這八個同性戀者的私房事,未必都是性(其實是大部分),或是獨自一人的孤獨自憐自撫自慰,又或是纏綿床褥中對曾經糾纏肉體的意淫,又或是獨自在空房等待,享受下一刻的等待。


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